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Your period called, and she wants to apologize for a few things….

7_weird-things_you_blame-pmsIf you’re like a lot of women, your period likes to make an entrance. Even before that lovely time of the month swoops in, your body might throw a welcome parade in its honor—otherwise known as PMS. This typically includes the usual suspects like cramps, bloating, and headaches. Perfect. But what about those other weird symptoms you feel around this point in your cycle?

Most research suggests that the spike and drop in the hormones estrogen and progesterone during days 21 to 28 of your cycle (a.k.a. the week before your period), can cause the annoying physical symptoms we know and despise along with some other the random ones, says ob-gyn Alyssa Dweck, M.D., coauthor of V is for Vagina. Plus, some researchers hypothesize that the hormonal rollercoaster can even affect neurotransmitters in your brain—which could explain your spacey, emotional self at this time…

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