by Alyssa Dweck | Sep 22, 2014 | Health, Menstruation, Out of the Stirrups, Pregnancy, Sexuality, Uncategorized
When it’s normal, and when to see your doctor…. Raise your hand if, in the last few weeks, you’ve felt tired, bloated, or cranky. Sound familiar? Then you know the drill: Every month, your hormones—the body’s itty-bitty secret weapon—come out to play,...
by Alyssa Dweck | Sep 22, 2014 | Health, Menstruation, Out of the Stirrups, Pregnancy, Sexuality, Uncategorized
In case you’ve been thinking about it…. You’re probably well versed in all the changes that can happen when you go on the Pill (lighter periods, fewer cramps, hopefully no pregnancy scares, etc.). But what about when you go off of it? Whether you’re...
by Alyssa Dweck | Sep 18, 2014 | Health, Out of the Stirrups, Sexuality, Uncategorized
A new lube made with THC promises to take your sex life even higher…. We all know sex provides a natural high, but using a marijuana-infused lube can apparently take you even higher. For those looking for a bigger and better climax, Foria has designed a new...
by Alyssa Dweck | Sep 11, 2014 | Health, Menstruation, Out of the Stirrups, Pregnancy, Uncategorized
Consider these in addition to a pregnancy test… Unless you’re trying for a baby, getting your period regularly is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you have to deal with cramps, bloating, and mood swings. On the other, yay, you’re not pregnant!...
by Alyssa Dweck | Sep 9, 2014 | Health, Out of the Stirrups, Pregnancy, Uncategorized
Why It Happens & How It’s Treated… It’s a classic movie scene. The woman finds herself running to the bathroom to throw up, and suddenly it dawns on her, “I’m pregnant.” Indeed, morning sickness is one of the classic signs of...
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